honey in the sun

Hello and welcome to Honey in the Sun. I've only just started it and so it's terribly raw and desperately in need of some attention. All in good time! In the meantime, feel free to 'make it your own'. Post, reply, attach your pics and do with it as you please.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


i am irritated. at the UK's full frontal attack on safe sex. Why do so many teenage girls have babies and waste their lives away when they could and should be in high school getting an education. Yes there are many reasons for this phenomenon and i could easily list a few but one which i feel contributes extensively to the problem is the astronomically huge cost which UK Health Authorities have placed on contraceptives. When the morning after pill costs £25 and a pack of three condoms costs £6 then we can safely segregate the well heeled from those without. As a result, England's got the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the whole of Europe. 'One in every baby born in England is to a teenage mum', says the NHS website.

Wake up NHS, unless you redirect your attack on safe sex and launch it instead at reducing the cost of contraceptives, this problem's not going to disappear.